webinar on “Acupressure: Techniques to Boost Immunity in COVID-19”
Drug Chemistry Research Centre (DCRC), Indore conducted a webinar on “Acupressure: Techniques to Boost Immunity in COVID-19”, 2nd May 2021.
On this occasion, resource person Md. Khurshid Alam Ansari, Chief Therapist, Shifa Acupressure Research Training & Treatment Centre (SARTTC), Obra, Sonbhadra, U.P. delivered a lecture and demonstration on “Acupressure: Techniques to Boost Immunity in COVID-19” and how it is useful in this pandemic. He also shared their experiences with the participants. The participants from different backgrounds, Ph.D. scholars, Professors and Industrial personnel had actively participated in the webinar.
DCRC would like to express sincere thanks to Md. Khurshid Alam Ansari for giving excellent coverage on “Acupressure”.